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Evenpar is a Dutch-Kenyan investment advisory company that sees energy demand increasing in emerging markets, especially in East Africa, whilst sustainably sourced feedstock is not used, and proven EU processing technology is not deployed. Evenpar will deploy proven and efficient EU technology for multiple energy generating projects using single tech solutions in emerging markets.

The company has a primary sectorial focus on water & sanitation , recycling & upcycling, biogas production, power and biofuel production. The targeted projects deploy proven and maintainable technology on the back of long-term supply agreements and creditworthy off-take contracts (industrial or government backed). Accordingly, this approach minimizes technology and input, risks, resulting in strong operational performance and creating long term stable cashflows. The company combines financial and technical knowledge to provide projects with support, technical assistance to efficiently process low value available feedstock into high value clean energy, whilst simultaneously reducing hygiene and (water & soil) sanitation problems.

Evenpar professionals have a proven track record of deal transactions in Africa and the team has been working together for 10+ years




Target Region

Africa - East
Africa - South
Africa - West


Energy Generation
Technical Assistance
Water and Sanitation

