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For the past 7 years, Miarakap has been the pioneer of blended finance in Madagascar, funding 50 impact entrepreneurs through a debt and equity investment fund, and a blended finance program that supports entrepreneurs with a positive impact on biodiversity conservation and the improvement of local community living conditions.

In Madagascar and the least developed countries in the southwest Indian Ocean region, the rate of endemism and biodiversity richness is among the highest in the world, while severe poverty is also prevalent. This overwhelming poverty is the primary factor contributing to climate change vulnerability and ecosystems’ degradation.

Miarakap has partnered with Kinomé and WWF to support and finance enterprises that promote sustainable use of natural resources, innovative nature-based solutions, climate change mitigation, livelihood improvement, and climate change adaptation. Miarakap and Kinomé have identified a robust pipeline of SMEs that are investment-ready and well-aligned with their investment thesis.

The consortium’s ambition is to address both environmental and socio-economic challenges, fostering a sustainable future for the region by improving the lives of 350,000 people, creating or maintaining 10,000 formal jobs, generating $80 million in revenue, and reducing, sequestering, or avoiding 4,800,000 tons of CO2.




Target Region

Africa - South
Africa - West


Conservation and Restoration
Consumer Goods
Energy Access
Micro Finance

EU Taxonomy

Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Adaptation
Protection and Restoration of Biodiversity and Ecosystems