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Outrigger is dedicated to building environmental and community resilience and delivering nature-positive outcomes in the most vulnerable island and coastal states by catalysing the blue economy and enhancing the sustainability of ocean resources. Outrigger will invest in different blue economy sectors, including, but not limited to, conservation, nature-based tourism, circular economy and waste management solutions, ocean-based renewable energy, green transportation, and sustainable fisheries. By targeting investment in the “missing middle” (the finance gap between grant funding and large institutional or sovereign investment), Outrigger will help mobilise and grow small and medium sized enterprises; the engine of Island economies.

What we do:
• Deliver catalytic capital to island states at the forefront of climate change to build environmental and economic resilience
• Create investor value and climate impact by directly investing in companies, projects, and infrastructure, leveraging the ocean to solve the climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises
• Originate and Lead transactions to accelerate and leverage impact capital in ocean states and to crowd in co-investment, from both private and blended partners, to target projects

Our Purpose:
• Improve the sustainability and resilience of SIDS’ economies;
• Strengthen the resilience of coastal communities to climate changes via adaptation and mitigation interventions;
• Conserve and enhance the biodiversity and ecosystems within SIDS’ coastal regions and Exclusive Economic Zones

Our team of entrepreneurs, impact experts, investors, and partners have both significant experience and an extensive network in the blue economy. With our active investment and business growth approach Outrigger is uniquely positioned to deliver positive impact into SIDS.




Target Region



Circular Economy
Conservation and Restoration
Energy Generation
Water and Sanitation
Technical Assistance

EU Taxonomy

Climate Change Adaptation
Sustainable Use and Protection of Water and Marine Resources
Transition to a Circular Economy
Climate Change Mitigation
Pollution Prevention and Control
Protection and Restoration of Biodiversity and Ecosystems